So here I am, on the porch with the fans whirling, the laptop set to go and a large glass of iced green tea beside me, and instead of plunging into the rewrite of my novel, I am looking for any excuse to NOT do that.  Why?

I need to get this manuscript done by the end of May so my writers group can read it during June for our upcoming workshop in Denver.  I started one day, got to page 30, and that was two weeks ago!  I got sidetracked editing someone else’s ms, proofreading another, and then this week when I was all set to start, suddenly decided NOW was the time clean out closets and shelves for spring.

I don’t know why I do this to myself; maybe it’s part of being a Libra, that constant swinging back and forth between what I know I should be doing and deliberately NOT doing it?  Maybe I like flirting with danger because I tend to be the on-time, polite gal most of the time?  But all this does is increase my own stress level…any suggestions?

What do YOU do to overcome procrastination????

OK, I’m going to go there, really, right now, as soon as I post this. . .I promise.