Auntie M is working on the content for a writers workshop she’ll run in Cambridge (oh, that it would be the UK one!), Mass with two other writers.  We’ll focus on Great Beginnings of manuscripts.  Attendees will send in the first page of their works, everyone attending will get them emailed to read and critique before the event, and then we’ll meet for a long weekend session.  After intro’s and ice breakers, we’ll have a session on what hooks readers and keeps them reading.  The all-day Saturday session will focus on their work and how to strengthen it–that evening the A’s will read more to us, either from that piece or another.  We’ll probably chip in for that, too.  We’ll also hit cliches` and how to avoid them during the workshop.  And play some games. And maybe drink a tiny bit o’wine in the evenings.

I enjoy these workshops because they let me have contact with writers whom would never otherwise cross my path.  I like the interaction, the discussions, and especially the huge range of writings out there.  It reminds me how many talented people there are in this world, if they would only give themselves permission to let it out.

For anyone in the Cambridge-Somerville area, the weekend is October 17-19.  Let me know if you wish details.  Two lunches included.  But for the rest of you, don’t let the thought of a blank page keep you from creating, if you wish to.  It all happens one word, or one keystroke, at a time.